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Family doctor no where to be found?

Started by Julles83, October 14, 2016, 08:35:07 PM

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I've had something on my mind for awhile now and I want to know what you guys think about it. The family doctor from Minnesota that was treating Prince at the time of his "death" has apparently disappeared and is nowhere to be found.
He apparently left his practice not long after he was questioned by investigators.
I personally find this odd and think that he may be wherever Prince is. What do you guys think?
Has anyone else heard anything new regarding the doctor?
Also, apparently the doctor was there at Prince's house the morning of April 21st to deliver some sort of test result. Has anyone heard anything about that?
Also do you guys believe that there really was a phone call from someone in princes Camp the night before his death asking for help from the addiction specialist in California? Or do you guys believe as I am starting to that, that was part of the hoax?
I am full of questions.
Let's talk!



And another one.. notice these are from may?
I can't find any proof that they're still investigating anything.
At least not the doctor..


I haven't heard anything new regarding the doctor, he seems to have just vanished and maybe ur right, hes with Prince now. It think it was part of the hoax when they claimed to asking for help from the addiction specialist in California. It seems like Prince had more concerts planned so something happened that made him fake his death, perhaps there was health issues but I'm still not sure. according to this article they posted on the org he planned to return to Australia in November "PRINCE'S Australian promoter Paul Dainty was particularly blindsided by the superstar's shock death on April 21. When the news broke, Dainty was already in negotiations for a return tour – the singer should have been back in Australia next month.
Prince had previously chosen Dainty to launch his Piano & A Microphone tour in Australia in February. "We had no clue anything was wrong," says Dainty. "As soon as he left there were emails racing back and forth from his office about coming back in November. We had dates on hold and budgets drawn up... There was no sign of any trouble." What I also find interesting is that they said "We had no clue anything was wrong" So either he actually received death threats and someone tried to kill him on the plane so hes now under witness protection or there's health issues. I don't think he planned to fake his death but he definitely planned to retire since he seems to come to full circle and P&M tour was some kind of farewell tour.
Thunder, all through the night
Promise to see Jesus in the morning light
Take my hand, it'll be alright
C'mon save your soul tonight


Quote from: Julles83 on October 15, 2016, 02:09:27 AM
And another one.. notice these are from may?
I can't find any proof that they're still investigating anything.
At least not the doctor..
Me neither, I only hear that there's still an ongoing investigation but no proof of it.
Thunder, all through the night
Promise to see Jesus in the morning light
Take my hand, it'll be alright
C'mon save your soul tonight


I am starting to believe the death threats were an actual thing the more and more I read about this.
It would make perfect since!
It would explain the changes in the story too.
I'm starting to think he may have gotten out of there before they had the chance to do anything to him


Yes and hes instagram message: "Just when u thought u were safe" migh be a clue.  That message was removed the day after he "died"
Thunder, all through the night
Promise to see Jesus in the morning light
Take my hand, it'll be alright
C'mon save your soul tonight


I saw that also. 
The more i dig, the more I think he went away to be safe. They're really trying to convince people that he's dead. I don't believe it. Not at all.
With MJ we saw the van come pick him up.
We saw nothing with prince. Where was all the media surrounding pp on the day he died? No medical examiner's van,  nothing.
Actually, if my memory is correct, when the dispatch called in they said something to the effect of "confirmed DOA don't bother sending anyone
But why? Unless he isn't really dead..


 Yes I remember they said that cuz it was confirmed DOA. The sheriff said at the press conference that Chanhassen Fire, the Carver county Sheriff and rescue ambulance responded to the call cuz its normal protocol, but I haven't seen any pictures/footage of any ambulance or paramedics. Some ppl clamis that the corner could have picked up the body in the garage. They said at the press conference that his body was removed at 15:39pm around that time the media was there, they also had helicopters circling around but there's no footage of a vehicle leaving the garage as far as I know. 
Thunder, all through the night
Promise to see Jesus in the morning light
Take my hand, it'll be alright
C'mon save your soul tonight


Quote from: MIRvmn on October 20, 2016, 07:58:18 PM
Yes I remember they said that cuz it was confirmed DOA. The sheriff said at the press conference that Chanhassen Fire, the Carver county Sheriff and rescue ambulance responded to the call cuz its normal protocol, but I haven't seen any pictures/footage of any ambulance or paramedics. Some ppl clamis that the corner could have picked up the body in the garage. They said at the press conference that his body was removed at 15:39pm around that time the media was there, they also had helicopters circling around but there's no footage of a vehicle leaving the garage as far as I know.

"Flight Round Paisley Park Minnesota - Prince"
"Published on Apr 21, 2016A beautiful Flight Round Prince's Paisley Park in Chanhassen Minnesota."

Even if they came through the garage there looks to be only one road out of Paisley Park. Someone would've seen the vehicle carrying his corpse.

Good point MIRvmn.
What time did they say the corpse was removed?
Did the death announcement go out on the media while the corpse was still present.


Hmm. It does seem that there is only one road leading in,  or out of pp. Someone would have seen the body being removed, even if it was taken out through the garage.
They also said some of his family was seen outside the funeral home waiting on his remains, and that Tyka refused to leave her brother's side.
Still, no photos. Prince Is private, I get that, but private or not,  there is nothing to show he actually died.
They could have said he died of a heart attack and I would have believed it more than I do any of this
They're working really hard to keep it hush hush, but yet, lead us along at the same time.
This has also been drug out WAY longer than any other death.  6 months. Still a mystery. But why? Because someone is having fun seeing what people will believe?
Prince wanted people to wonder about him.. well, ya got us wondering real good with this one


I remember the death being announced between 1 and 1:30 p.m (my time. Eastern time zone)


Quote from: Rainbowblue on October 21, 2016, 12:40:01 AM
Quote from: MIRvmn on October 20, 2016, 07:58:18 PM
Yes I remember they said that cuz it was confirmed DOA. The sheriff said at the press conference that Chanhassen Fire, the Carver county Sheriff and rescue ambulance responded to the call cuz its normal protocol, but I haven't seen any pictures/footage of any ambulance or paramedics. Some ppl clamis that the corner could have picked up the body in the garage. They said at the press conference that his body was removed at 15:39pm around that time the media was there, they also had helicopters circling around but there's no footage of a vehicle leaving the garage as far as I know.

"Flight Round Paisley Park Minnesota - Prince"
"Published on Apr 21, 2016A beautiful Flight Round Prince's Paisley Park in Chanhassen Minnesota."

Even if they came through the garage there looks to be only one road out of Paisley Park. Someone would've seen the vehicle carrying his corpse.

Good point MIRvmn.
What time did they say the corpse was removed?
Did the death announcement go out on the media while the corpse was still present.

They where removed around 15.39pm so it was it was almost 6 hours after they found him "dead". Yes they would easily have seen if a vehicle left the garage from a helicopter but no such footage exists to my knowledge
Thunder, all through the night
Promise to see Jesus in the morning light
Take my hand, it'll be alright
C'mon save your soul tonight


This article shows photos of Tyka (carrying Flamin Hot Cheetos) and her son who is supposedly carrying Prince's ashes under a jacket leaving the crematorium after Prince was cremated.
They were waiting at the crematorium for around 4 hours I believe from what I've read.