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Messages - LuVbuG

Introduce yourself / Re: A little about myself
January 31, 2017, 04:35:40 PM
here is a Mj video did u c this one :)

Introduce yourself / Re: A little about myself
January 31, 2017, 03:43:57 PM
here is a video it shows the process if u want to see how it works
it is not Prince
but ur just someone in the crowd that stands out and they zoom into u the navel shot is indication of the birth of the star... then the love is the control and the words tell us
u took control and a chain reaction etc etc
it's just my opinion :)
General talk / Re: Just a thought
January 31, 2017, 03:29:56 PM
won't matter till it goes to court but till then it brings light once again to Prince..
Introduce yourself / Re: A little about myself
January 31, 2017, 03:26:16 PM
Hello vgiatras and Welcome :)
interesting u should mention other celebrity deaths
seems like alot of the contracts prior to 1990 were extremely binding to the artist
some artist went bankrupt other just left the limelight and then there were those in legal battle over the work
it's like a process...ur the star in the limelite u get the contract then u have to re negotiate as u get slandered and then theres death and the $$$$$ sky rocket
as some say worth more dead then alive
( death could also mean they do not promote ur work )
well that about it in a nutshell... 2 me anyway
throughout the centuries Artists always got the short stick look at van gogh
and now with the concert earnings 7 million $ ...another 7
Introduce yourself / Re: Introducing myself.. Hi All
January 31, 2017, 03:11:48 PM
Hi StarfishandCoffee and Welcome :)
wat an interesting name you have ...
a song about Cynthia Rose someone Susannah knew and told Prince about
aren't we all a bit like Cynthia Rose  ...
General talk / Re: A little clue maybe
January 27, 2017, 07:11:06 PM
yes very grateful for all he has offered those that want to see and know...the more u see the more u know and the story is told...
the song of luv is in our hearts
Thx MIRvmn
to me that is a big question mark ..meaning i do not believe it did they know that plane was going to make an emergency landing so far ahead of time for the news to be there to get the pix of the emergency when they arrived.. did someone on that plane call to let them know before the emergency happened ?
papers are just junk...ur born u get a birth certificate that is for u to work x amount of years at x amount of $ ...
then when u die u get a death certificate that is when who ever inherits ur stuff gets to pay what is left to maintain or is just about money...
Prince knew that thats why ....NO Will
most ppl dont know till they get there
moon beams ....according to Susan was her wish
i started this so those of us that wanted to discuss some of our opinions could do so
i for one do believe Prince is not dead..i do not need a piece of paper to tell me facts
when i feel it in my heart  :)
Prince was spiritual and special he knew about telepathy, symbols, magic and much else
and left a trail behind for those that want to see it

I understand the thread.  Thanks. 
Maybe it's time I take a break for a while.

i hope u will decide to stay to discuss the theories u like to discuss
we could start another thread just for our opinions :)
i would like that 2 8)
General talk / Re: A little clue maybe
January 25, 2017, 11:32:55 PM
interesting MIRvmn ...
did u notice at the start Prince  had the left arm raised and in the last Prince had his right arm raised
General talk / Re: A little clue maybe
January 21, 2017, 04:09:23 AM
Yes ! Full Circle